The best way to describe Pulp Riot is Wacky, Vibrant colour not for the faint hearted. But saying that a few carefully placed flashes in a pastel shade can enhance and transform any hair colour. We have ultraviolet shades for those festival goers. If you fancy something different there is a Pulp Riot colour for you.
The colours fade tone on tone, so you won’t see your blues or purples turn to grey and your reds to pink or peach. The wonderful thing is the colours can be removed using Pulp Riot’s Blank Canvas. So, you can change up your colour in the blink of an eye. Best results achieved on pre lightened hair.
Office location
122 High Street, Bristol, BS49 4DBGive us a ring
01934 838270Send us a message to know more about what we can do for you, you can also book a free consultation so that we can start working on making your hair look absolutely great!